Principal's Message


Kia orana, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Talofa ni, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Namaste, Salam Alaikum, Haere mai, nau mai, haere mai ki te Kura o Winiri. Welcome to Windley School.

Our school is inclusive of all children nurturing them to excel, take on new challenges, and aspire in their chosen pathway. We respect the diverse communities we, as a school, are connected to. We acknowledge and model our responsibilities to Te Tiriti O Waitangi in our daily operation both within Windley School and outside in the community setting.

We strongly believe in positive relationships between children and with adults in a safe, respectful learning environment and, at the same time, maintaining their identity, cultural values, and their beliefs.

We encourage all learners to have VAI to successfully participate in a range of life experiences and contexts beyond school. Our aim is for everyone to encompass and strengthen the beliefs we strongly believe in and want for all children and the same for their whanau.

There is a deep sense of pride seeing and meeting with many of the past students that we have educated and nurtured at Windley School out in the community fulfilling lives of their own including raising their own families and contributing positively to society with personal or professional success stories of their own. This affirms our schools Vision of `E Tipu Nga Rakau Iti’, and Mission to `Shape collaborative communities with our whanau and tamariki to create world class learning journeys’, and, within this our student graduate profile, ‘Voice, Action and Identity’.

Ngā mihi
Anau Kupa

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Cannons Creek Pool TS Chalar Pro Limited Barber-Side Josh Tararo - Collective B A Heat Pumps Ltd
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